The Conscious Attention using Labyrinth Meditation (CALM) Labyrinth Initiative originally began through the Crossroads Community Center‘s Inclusive Campus Breakfast. After researching the utilization of labyrinth meditation, several on-campus departments worked collaboratively to bring this mindfulness-focused initiative to The University of Alabama.

Labyrinths are historically used in spiritually settings. They are found in many faith-based organizations throughout the world. Utilizing labyrinths as a walking meditation practice has been found to help with stress relief, mindfulness, reflection, and team-building.


The CALM Workshop will provide participants with 1) familiarity on the benefits of mindfulness and meditation for general wellbeing, 2) at least three methods for engaging in mindfulness and meditation independently, and 3) an understanding of the utilization of mindfulness and meditation for stress management. CALM Workshops are interactive,  and utilize a labyrinth as an introduction to walking meditation.

Location and Time

Please check back for more details on locations and times.


Charlotte Petonic

Charlotte Petonic

Assistant Director
Health Promotion and Wellness

Lane McLelland

Lane McLelland

Crossroads Community Engagement Center