The Department of Health Promotion and Wellness recognizes that not all students choose to be sexually active. Choosing to be sexually active needs to be based on individual’s personal values and belief systems. When students choose to be sexually active we believe that they should be prepared with the knowledge and education to make healthy and informed decisions concerning their health.

Condom Distribution Program

Free condoms and safer sex products are available at a variety of locations throughout campus.

  • Student Center Info Desks
  • All residence halls with 24 hour info desks have Safe Sex Packets available. Each packets contains two condoms, a packet of water-based lubricant, and a safer sex brochure. Residence Halls with 24 hour info desks are:
    • Bryant
    • Burke
    • Presidential I
    • Ridgecrest South
    • Tutwiler
    • England Hall
  • Health Promotion and Wellness’ Free Condom Distribution programs allows those with an on campus mail address to have free condoms and other barrier methods delivered to their mailbox. This includes:
    • External condoms (male condoms)
    • Internal condoms (female condoms)
    • Dental dams
    • Lubricant

    Those who do not have access to an on campus mailbox may pick them up for free in Mary Burke East 132 or by completing a form to request condoms.

Why do we have a condom distribution program?

  • According to the American College Health Associations – National College Health Assessment, 45.1% of college students reported engaging in vaginal sex within the last 30 days. Of those students reporting sexual activity, only 46.1% of cited that they used a condom or protective barrier within the last 30 days.
  • The Centers For Disease Control enforces condom distribution plans as evidence based interventions. According to the CDC, “condom Distribution Programs have been proven to increase condom use, prevent HIV/STDs, and save money.”
    • Condom Distribution as a Structural Level Intervention. (2018, April 02). Retrieved from